Education in the 21st Century – Media Literacy Education

According to the UNESCO, media literacy does not stand alone, the term media and information literacy is used to explain “the essential competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitude) that allow citizens to engage with media and information providers effectively and develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills for socializing and becoming active citizens.” (Kennisnet, 2013, p. [...]

Race to The Bottom

Last semester, I had one guest lecture who spoke about sustainable economy. I remember that he gave us the challenge of how we illustrate unsustainable economy. Economy is always be an interesting topic for me due to its relation with my everyday life and so on. I remeber in the class, we were so exciting [...]

Library Welcomes Everyone

Sabtu pagi, tepat jam 10, biasanya saya akan pergi keluar apartemen menuju perpustakaan di kampus saya, University of Oulu. Berbekal jus apel atau wortel, terkadang yoghurt, saya akan berada di perpustakaan sampai waktu makan siang. Saya tidak pernah membawaa laptop karena di perpustakaan tersedia komputer yang langsung terkoneksi printer. Biasanya sabtu saya gunakan untuk me-ngeprint [...]

Stimulating Intergenerational Social Mobility Through Education, Lesson Learned from Finland

In every place of the world, education is considered as an important part of social mobility. Most compelling evidence because education could make individual’s or even society’s life better, in terms of increase state’s welfare and come out from poverty (Schwartz and Brody, 2012). However, inequality to access the education still becomes the main issue. [...]

School Visit – Immigrant School

Merikosken lukio is the immigrant school located in Tuira, same building with Finnish school. So, the immigrant school provides basic language education for immigrant before they are ready to move to Finnish school. The age range in this school starts from 14 to 17 years old. Students came from Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, and some other [...]

School Visit – Espoo International School

I had an opportunity to visit Espoo International School during my trip to Helsinki last November. This is the first international school that I visit in Finland. Espoo International school provide pre-school and comprehensive school. So, the students has to choose their next choice after graduate, high school or vocational school. Usually, international schools combine [...]

School Visit – Tervaväylän Koulu (Special Education School)

I visited special education school, Tervaväylän Koulu. It is located in the commercial area in the city center where the most area is expensive. In this school, students come from Oulu and another northern area. Students who live far from Oulu but still in the northern area can enroll in this school. Usually, students who [...]

School Visit – Rajakylä Comperehensive and High School, An Experience (Part 2 – end)

I visited English class and maths class during my second visit to Rajakylä school. Both of the class is high school and they will prepare themselves to do final examination. I didn’t do too much activity in the class, only observe them for a while then my group were interviewed by student reporter from school [...]

School visit – Rajakylä comprehensive and high school, An Experience (Part 1)

My friends and I had opportunity to visit Rajakylä comprehensive and high school for two times. On the first visit, the vice principal show us some classes and rooms. This school consist of pre-school, comperehensive school (grade 1-9) and high school. He showed us teachers room and lounge which is very comfortable. This school also [...]